Hey! I'm Selena, the owner of The Meaningful Maker. I've been happily married to my husband for 21 years(as of April 2024), have a son and a daughter and 5 pets...2 dogs and 3 cats! I wanted to bring in some extra income and I stumbled across some scroll saw artists on Instagram who were making and selling really pretty signs. I decided to try it and I was hooked. I wanted to make things that had meaning for people whether that was a sign with a favorite scripture, a nursery sign with your baby's name, or anything that has sentimental value for someone. And from that, The Meaningful Maker, was born!

All of my signs are hand made from the backer to the frame and whatever design I'm working on. I do have a laser now which allows me to cut some parts of a design quicker and also allows for making cute seasonal items. I strive to do my best work on every project I am privileged to make!